Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Driving rules -many of us dosen't know

Driving Rules

There are few driving rules that many of doesn't aware about. They are:

1)Broken lines.

The roads with broken lines in the middle can be generally seen in outskirts, highways. People are allowed to overtake the vehicles in such roads as the traffic on high ways is low. 

2)Continuous Line

The roads with continuous line in the middle can be generally seen in the middle of the city. People are advised to avoid overtaking the vehicles in such roads as the traffic is little high and accidents may occur while overtaking. 

3)Double continuous yellow line.

The roads with double continuous yellow line can be seen in turning that can be frequent in hill stations like manali,shimla himachal pradesh etc.,
Overtaking on such roads is strictly prohibited as the roads are generally narrow and there is very high possibility of occurrence of accident.